Where To Recycle Cans For Money: An Environmental Win And Financial Gain

Every year humans around the globe consume billions of canned beverages, from soda to energy drinks to beer. After satisfying our thirst, we are left with an empty can, a seemingly pointless object. However, did you know you can transform that can into cash? Apart from being environmentally friendly, recycling cans can provide you with an extra source of income. This article will discuss where you can recycle cans for money.

Benefits of Recycling Cans

Firstly, it’s important to understand the benefits of recycling cans. Aluminum cans are 100% recyclable and can be re-processed an infinite number of times. In fact, almost 75% of all aluminum produced is still in use today. By recycling cans, we help reduce the demand for the extraction of new aluminum, which is harmful to the earth and consumes significant energy.

The extraction process involves mining, refining, and numerous high-energy processes. Compared to recycling, these processes have harmful effects on the environment and consume significantly more energy. Recycling aluminum cans help save valuable space in landfills and conserve energy. Plus, when you recycle cans for money, it adds a financial incentive to the environmental benefits.

Finding a Can Recycling Center

The next question is: where can you recycle these cans for cash? The answer varies by location. Some states in the U.S. have ‘Bottle Bill laws’ which allow for standardized rate refunds upon return of beverage containers at recycling centers. These states include:California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Vermont.

In these states, you can recycle cans at any recycling center. Stores that sell canned drinks also often have machines where you turn in the cans, and you receive a voucher that you can cash in at the store. Rates vary by state, but typically, you can get about 5 to 10 cents per can.

Beyond ‘Bottle Bill’ States

But what if you don’t live in a Bottle Bill state? Well, don’t despair. You can still recycle cans for money. Most cities have scrap metal recyclers. These businesses pay by weight, not per can, making them a good option if you have collected a large number of cans.

You also can consider online recycling companies. These entities will pay you for your cans and often even pay for the shipping. However, they typically require you to have a significant amount of cans. A quick online search should show whether this option is feasible for you.

Successful Cash Management

To maximize profitability, effective cash management is important when recycling cans for money. Think about it as a small business. You need to account for costs such as gas if you need to transport your cans to a recycling plant and compare it with the money you would earn. Planning your trips strategically to the recycling centers can help maximize your profits.


Recycling cans for money is not only good for the environment, but it can also be beneficial for your wallet. Whether you live in a Bottle Bill state or not, there are various ways to turn your used cans into cash. It requires effort, patience, and planning, but it’s a worthy endeavor. So, the next time you finish a canned drink, consider recycling it. It might just be the start of a new, profitable hobby.